Sunday, July 18, 2010

365 Photos

A little over a week ago, I decided to start my attempt at taking an interesting photograph a day, for a year. It's a little frightening to commit to this, considering that I have never failed to renege on a majority of my summer plans, but I hope that by doing this, and announcing to everyone that I'm doing this, I will, (1) have an excuse to take my camera to even more places than I am already--yes, I know it's hard to believe, but it's possible; (2) hopefully improve my photography, and practice thinking about the three D's of photography: destination, determination, deliberation; and (3) quickly run out of the easy things to photograph--the cats, the housies, the flowers, Big Sur--and will start having to think about using more unique subjects.

Every once a while, I'll post the highlights here.

And all the pictures can always be found at

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